This film looks rad. I will be obtaining it.
Have you ever noticed how often helicopters are in the background of 80's action movie posters?
Courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.
This film looks rad. I will be obtaining it.
Have you ever noticed how often helicopters are in the background of 80's action movie posters?
Courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.
On Thursday, April 7th a new show of his work will be opening at the Fecal Face Dot Gallery in San Francisco.
248 Fillmore St.
(415) 255-6479
Wed - Sat (1-6pm)
I absolutely love this film. This poster goes out to Gabe.
Courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.
If you haven't seen the Black Dynamite motion picture, get your turkey ass to the nearest DVD acquiring station and eyeball this film NOW. It is hilarious. I would dare say it is a perfect film, in that I would not change one frame.
The comics being published by Ars Nova and Ape Entertainment. Here is a preview, it looks just like a 70's comic. I love it.
Here is the Black Dynamite site.
You can pre-order the comic here.
"I will hand carve a stamp each year and in lieu of the mouse doodle, I'll stamp your book. This will also mean that I can re-stamp it the following year with the new stamp if you like."
Petersen's stamp is carved into a Speedy-Carve block and due to the nature of block printing, will look somewhat unique for each book he stamps. I think it's a sweet idea and I can see this being copied by other artists.
I've mentioned David Petersen's Mouse Guard a few times on Lioncorn and I can't recommend it enough. Here's the Amazon link to the first book.
OaKoAk's site is here. He's got a swarm of urban improvement art.
I'm not a junkie whore anymore when it comes to collecting toys. My taste has grown pretty limited over the last couple of years. That being said, Inspector Cumulus is pretty rad and I may have to ladle out some dinero.
The good inspector is 8" tall and has five points of articulation. His run is limited to 500 pieces and you can pre-order here for $29.95 before April 15th. He's expected to hit the streets by May, at which point he will be $39.95.
I had never seen this Nosferatu poster before. Great image.
This Daily poster goes out to my Aunt Amy who was in town and we had a great visit last night. My mother laughed harder than I've seen her laugh in probably a year or two.
Courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.
Courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.
I love this retro looking poster. Pschotic, psychic, tire wages war on mankind. Click here for the rubberful trailer.
Here are the play dates, Rubber opens April 1st and spreads out from there.
His outdoor work just breathes and inspires. Now, Dolk (which means 'dagger') just opened house with his own website, here.
There is not much information and the galleryies are not huge, but the work is presented in monitor-filling glory. Dolk's indoor work is worth checking out as well, but it is his outdoor work which toots my tooter.
My buddies Manny and Derrick reminded me of this 80's gem. Seriously, with the Mandroid and Koochie the ninja, how could you go wrong with this one?
I did manage to sit through it last weekend and it is a eightiestastic film. There's a little flying robot, great eighties tech, and a skinny armed "river rat" guide dude who is hated by the other river guides so badly they pursue him for about twenty minutes of the film, shooting at him and attempting to murder him and his customers because they were weaseled out of the fare. A bit surrealistic.
The book is written by John Harris and illustrated by one of my favorite painters, Gary Baseman.
Baseman's Herakles is a funny, Flintstone looking oaf who has Totoro eyes. Does he have lofty thoughts running through his head or is it an empty dome up on those massive shoulders? Decide for yourself.
The story is written with a brisk pace, just enough time to give kids a flavor for Herakles' superheroic life without boring them back to the TV. There is even a little pronunciation guide for each labor.
If you love Greek myths and can apprecieate Baseman's cartoony style, this is a great book. Besides, you can pick up a used copy on Amazon for about a dollar + postage.
"In response to the tragedies created by the tsunami in Japan I am releasing a new variation on the Dark Wave print. Profits from Dark Wave/Rising Sun will go to relief efforts in Japan. I’m researching the best organization to receive the funds. Thanks for caring. Edition of 700. $60."
The print is 18" x 24" and is limited to one person/household.
My wife and I debate this topic frequently.
Check out for more.
(via arbroath.)
From Intergalactic Messages: "This is a photoshoot of various Olympic athletes by Howard Schartz and Beverly Ornstein titled “The Athlete”. Like many others I tend to fall into the trap of drawing the same body type over and over for athletic characters. This photoshoot serves as awesome reference reminding us artists that strong bodies come in all kinds of shapes and sizes and muscles show up in different ways"
(via Paul Sizer on Whitechapel.)
There is a reception for the show this Saturday, March 19th from 6:00-8:00pm. Go buy art!
The show runs through April 16th. Kobo at Higo 602-608 S. Jackson Street, Seattle, WA 98104