Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Survival Research Labs banned in San Francisco.

Survival Research Laboratories, the innovators of mechanized, fighting, burning, socio-political, destruction shows are in hot water with the San Francsico Fire Department again.
SRL founder, Mark Pauline, announced on their site today that they have been banned from performing in San Francisco by the San Francisco Fire Department.
In December 2011, Somarts, a local gallery venue,/arts support organization in the city asked SRL to participate in I am Crime, a show of artists who had been arrested for activities related to their work. The SRL participation was to have included an installation of one machine, the Spine Robot in the gallery and a one day street closure of Brannan Street between 8th and 9th for a short outdoor SRL event at the closing of the installation. The city of SF approved the street closure, but the SFFD, citing an SRL show from 1989, Illusions of Shameless Abundance stated that SRL would no longer be allowed to perform in San Francisco. This resulted in the outdoor show being called off by Somarts.
This is such shitty news.
SRL was founded in 1978. They worked out of San Francisco for thirty years, until moving to Petaluma, CA in 2008.

Saunders Batman cards.

Comics Alliance has posted a fantasticated gallery of Batman trading cards from 1966. The images were painted by Mars Attacks! artist, Norman Saunders.
There is something so fresh about Saunders' take on the superhero genre. The poses are sort of familiar to super hero fans, but they are also, somehow foreign and strange, and uncomfortable, and original.
Check out the gallery HERE.
Or the site they got it from HERE.
I heard about it from twentythoughts on Whitechapel.

Beware, The Sleeper comes.

The Sleeper comes out today at Amazon and on iTunes.
The Sleeper is writer/director Justin Russell's take on the 80's slasher. The preview looked great and I cannot wait to see the film.
Justin was kind enough to be interviewed on this site a while back, HERE.
Here is Gamma Knife Films site with a ton more information.
I sure hope someone gets hit with that hammer.

Here's a sneak preview from a couple weeks ago.

Here's the preview.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Andrew Jackson is my favorite president. I don't know much about his policies, but he was such a badass and free spirit, I just love his history.
Jackson was the last president to have fought in the American Revolution. He was a 13 year old courier and soon after, a POW. As a prisoner he refused to clean a British officer's boot and was slashed on the face and hands with a sword.
On this day, January 30, 1835, a gentleman attempted to murder President Andrew Jackson. The would be assassin brought two pistols and both of them misfired.
Ignore most pictures you see of Jackson, he was 62 when he took office in 1828. Well, Old Hickory wasn't having any of this assassination crap. He took to beating the poor sucker with his cane. Jackson, grew weary (he WAS 67 years old!) and tagged in his partner, Tennessee Representative,  Davy Crockett, who suplexed and bulldoged the enemy of freedom into oblivion.
This was the first attempted assassination of a U.S. president.
Jackson had escaped death. This was not the first time Andy Jack had kicked death in the ass.
Andy Jack began living with and soon married a woman named Rachel, who had never really been divorced from her first husband. People gave Andy Jack a ration of crap about this for years and he gave it back, most generously.
In fact, a scoundrel named Dickinson had written some scurrilous things about Rachel.
Jackson challenged him to a dual.
Dickinson got the first shot off and Jackson fell over dead.
Everyone thought Dickinson was the victor, when they heard, "My shot." They turned. Jackson stood there pumping HIS OWN HEART with his left hand. He raised his pistol and killed Dickinson.
The bullet was so close to Andy Jack's heart that they left it in him.
I haven't even talked about the Petticoat Affair or the time 'ol Andy Jack got hit in the head with a shovel and was declared dead but woke up to enact his bloody vengeance. I didn't mention how his inauguration party was so insane, Andy Jack had to escape out a White House back window.
I never understood the Chuck Norris meme; you don't need to pretend, there really was a guy that badass. I call him Andy Jack!

(If you insist on fucking up a good story with "the truth" go look somewhere else for your Andy Jack stories. HA.)

Great movies, great TV.

I don't even want to know the backstory to this. I'm not going to watch any more of this person's videos.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Daily poster: The Dunwich Horror.

The Dunwich Horror.
The film is not without its charms; mostly unintentional humor and dated colloquialisms. It bears very little resemblance to the H.P. Lovecraft story that shares its name.
You really only need to watch the trailer to "get" the film. I also really like this poster. The tagline is fantastic and the Medusa/Dean Stockwell overtaking Sandra Dee image is exploitation and horror at their best.
The Lovecraft story is my most favoritest by him. I have a couple original pulps and the Weird Tales issue with The Dunwich Horror is my prized posssession, amongst them. I only wish Lovecraft would have made the cover of more than two pulps in his lifetime. A crime. Imagine a Dunwich Horror, Weird Tales cover.

Above is the actual cover of Weird Tales, April 1929 issue (I found the image HERE. Haven't read the article yet) What a poor excuse for a cover. What a terrible choice.
I actually have a collecetion of all the editions of the story that I can find. There are some great ones.

Poster courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.

I love my swords.

Eric Wareheim just alerted his Twitterererers to this hilarious outtake from Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie. The film opens today on iTunes, YouTube, Watch It Now, etc.

Will Forte appears in this profanity injected clip. It made me laugh. Will Forte is always so intense on Tim & Eric's show. I would love to see him play a super relaxed character.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Colbert interviews Sendak.



Without hyperbole, I can say, these two videos made me laugh more than anything I have seen in months.

Merzbow: Tsuru4m2 1

Noise god, Merzbow just posted this unreleased piece (turn your speakers DOWN) from 2009.

I think it is safe to assume this piece is an outtake from one of his 13 Japanese Birds series of albums. The series consisted of thirteen albums which were released monthly. The final album came out one year ago, today, on January 26, 2010.


Colbert makes funny with Maurice Sendak.


Without hyperbole, I can say, these two videos made me laugh more than anything I have seen in months.

I can never tell how much of the humor in Colbert's interviews comes from the editing, the wink-wink interviewee playing off of Colbert's character, or the straight ahead interview. The three blend and we are trained to experience interviews as informational. Using this platform for humor can be confusing, staged humor sometimes feels more real. I need to see some "real" interviews with Maurice Sendak.

Jon Stewart made the point bluntly and perfectly when he was on Crossfire. His show and Colbert's are comedy. They are not news programs. They are on Comedy Central.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Dude Designs Tarantino.

Couchcutter.com has started a well deserved petition to encourage Quentin Tarantino to choose The Dude Designs to create the poster for Tarantino's upcoming Django Unchained film.
Go sign the petition HERE.
I think it is a supertastic idea.
Here are a few more examples of The Dude Desgins work.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Fuck Chuck.

A few days ago I read on Twitch that Expendables 2 is going to be rated PG-13 because Chuck Norris doesn't want to be in a film with swearing and the producers buckled. I always hated Chuck Norris, now I have a good reason.
Murdering people, ending their life is fine, but saying the f-word is not all right. When I worked in a video store I always wondered why the horror films were right by the front door and the porno films were behind a curtain. America is fucked up.
I can see adventure films like Indiana Jones and Tin Tin as PG or PG-13. These are films that are targeted at 12 year olds. But, to make a film starring the pantheon of 1980's action heroes. A film that is clearly targeted at the 30-somethings and then water it down to try and scoop up a little extra cash from the under-17 crowd is double dipping. It's greedy and ultimately satisfying for no one.
Anyway, thanks for saving me $10.50, Chuck. I'll wait until I can rent or borrow the DVD, asshole.

Disney's new Joy Division t-shirt.

Oh my goodness. Disney is selling a Mickey Mouse - Joy Division t-shirt. The image is from Peter Seville's iconic cover for the band's Unknown Pleasures album.
I can't stop laughing. Does Disney even know what the expression "Joy Division" means?
What an interesting choice they have made.
While Disney has been a lot more lax about going after artists who appropriate Disney images in the last few years, do they really need to turn the tables?
The listing for the shirt is HERE.

(Via Dangerous Minds.)

Cockfighting today.

Salon.com posted THIS interesting article by Deborah Kennedy, Why Cockfighting Persists. The article it is a great insight into the current state of affairs in the cockfighting world.
I have been fascinated by the cockfighting world since I saw the film Cockfighter about ten years ago. I am not pro-cockfighting, but the questions it brings up are intensely interesting. Concepts of tradition and culture; government inserting itself into out lives; the hypocritical way we view the rights of animals.

Here's a long excerpt from Kennedy's article:
Back to the chickens. What about the fact that we simply don’t treat them very nicely, even when we’re not turning them into feathered gladiators? All it takes is one viewing of “Food, Inc.” or a similar documentary to see that most male chicks are chucked into a shredder before they can see the light of day, and that the majority of hens are bred to be so fat they can’t walk. Companies like Tyson and Perdue have a stranglehold on the chicken industry, mandating that farmers keep their poultry in smelly, dark houses so packed with animals that many are crushed to death by the weight of their own kind. Even the lucky 1 percent, free range chickens, are headed for our dinner tables. What’s so bad about raising a rooster to fight to the death, especially when the ones found still alive at busted cockfights are often euthanized anyway?
“I treated my chickens like kings,” Bo said. “I fed them well, I made sure they wanted for nothing. They were loved. These animal rights people, the Humane Society, what they want to do is get rid of the breeds. That’s what they want to do. This isn’t about the chickens or their rights. It’s about the government overstepping its power.”
Bo then referred me to the November 2011 newsletter from the American Game Fowl Society in which an unnamed writer makes the argument that the Humane Society of the United States bullies people into pleading guilty to charges of cockfighting when really all the HSUS has in its arsenal is circumstantial evidence. The newsletter mentions a raid in Greenville, S.C., where, the writer asserts, the real criminals were not the cockers but the Humane Society personnel who, having taken possession of the game fowl, stacked them 10-feet high in boxes with no ventilation and left them to die of heat exposure while they treated people on the scene to full-body searches. The article even mentions Goodwin by name, and claims that because he is not a law enforcement officer, he has no right to act as one. Also, that “these chicken people were never Mirandarised.”
I'm not sure what video they were watching but HERE is one from raids in Greenville, South Carolina. Embedding was disabled, click it. It's a news story and not too gory.
Here is another one put out by the Humane Society. It is a bit more gory and has emotional music. The Humane Society members are also pretty cuddly with the roosters in front of the press, but my understanding is that all collected roosters are killed.

(Via Longform.)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Daily poster: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
Matt and I saw Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy last weekend. We were both lost and confused, a little scared, cold, and convinced wolves were after us. Seriously, this film is SUBTLE! We both felt like we couldn't catch up to the story. I was following the story but like a ten year old watching a Shakespeare play, I was always a couple of steps behind. I also had a very tough time following the emotional cues of the actors. The whole 'keep a stiff upper lip' and then have an emotional breakdown kept me from really knowing how the characters felt. "Oh, I guess he was pissed about that."
Both Matt and I were pretty unhappy when we left the theater.
The funny thing is that we were both so disappointed in ourselves that we started conducting research. We both read multiple synopsis' of the film and book. We both learned about John LeCarre and his character, George Smiley. Matt started reading the novel and I watched the Alec Guinness 7-part BBC mini-series from 1979.
The mini-series is also fantastic. It's actually a clearer telling of the story. Hell, they had seven hours. The series could be seen as a bit slow for our 21st century eyeballs, but I didn't feel that way.
The role of George Smiley was always considered Alec Guinness' finest work, but poor old Alec gets blown away by Gary Oldman. To be fair, Mr. Guinness really didn't stand a chance. The BBC version had a limited budget, and while there are a lot of flashbacks, the characters are forced to verbalize a lot of the story. Gary Oldman's George Smiley hardly says a word, his eyes tell us everything we need to know. It is an amazing performance. In order to tell the story in 1979, Alec Guinness talks the story through with the other characters. Guinness' George Smiley is a blabbermouth compared to 2012's George Smiley. Unfortunately, the subtle, calculating George Smiley simply cannot exist in 1979.
My wife and I went and saw the film again this week. She watched a lot of the mini-series with me. I kicked her out just before the big reveal, so the plot would be fresh for her when we shelled out $21 to see the film in the theater. Knowing the story and the names of the characters and a bit of the backstory just elevated the film to no end. Like Se7en and Ronin, it is a masterpiece of it's genre. I will see it again.
Here is a little featurette I found on YouTube. Pretty cool.

Here's a cool trailer someone created for the 1979 version.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Rewind This!

Looks like a really fun exploration of the magic of the early 1980's and the VHS revolution. And, any video that starts with a clip from Eliminators gets some attention from my eyeballs.
The producer's have already passed their fundraising goal on Kickstarter, but you can kick in if you'd like HERE.
Also, HERE is their website.
"The introduction of home video had a massive impact on culture, business, and the development of media. The film-going public had unprecedented control over their viewing schedule, burgeoning filmmakers had inexpensive tools with which to create, and a new business was formed that expanded the reach of an already exploding industry. Videotape redefined the way modern society interacts with media. REWIND THIS! aims to be the definitive account of the home video revolution and a showcase of its continuing legacy."

Interrogation: Hartter.


 A couple of days ago I posted a retro-phony baloney poster for Ghostbusters. I attributed Hartter as the artist. I was wrong. Another artist had swiped his concepts.

I went to Hartter's site and was amazed at the breadth of his projects. He's got a great eye for creating retro posters and a unique art style for creating wholly original pieces.
I tried to grab a few of my favorites and ended up saving over twenty pics. Just get your booty over to his site and check it out, HERE.
Thanks to Hartter for this short notice interview. 
1. I blew it and posted some other fellow's work with your name. Sounds like a lot of people made the mistake. What went down?
Another artist did an alternate universe movie poster gallery, In that gallery and elsewhere online, he had directly swiped two of my poster concepts, pictures and all. The first poster is Ghostbusters starring Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Vincent  Price and Woody Strode. The second poster is the Matrix starring Bruce Lee, Sidney Poitier, Peter Sellers and Pam Grier.

The artist, Peter Stults, apologized to me a number of times and took the two posters down from his site and credited me with the idea, but not before the images were spread to a number of websites that he has no control over. It just got away from him, he never thought anything would come of it and definitely didn't think I'd ever see them. I don't have any ill will towards him. I'm sure he's going to still make new posters. That's cool. More power to him. We're different styles anyways, I'm more of a wonky 60's and 70's exploitation poster guy. Anyone can use the images and ideas we both used, but my point is, with limitless resources available to you in the modern age as an artist, why on earth would you exactly mimic someone else's interpretation of  a concept?  There's more than enough unused ideas floating around. Ideas are all that an artist has. That's why I got so protective of those posters when I saw someone else directly ripping them.

2. It seems you have an equal number of completely original poster designs and retro mash-ups. Talk about your process in creating each?I don't use other posters or layouts wholesale. I'll take a "WIDESCREEN" or "IN COLOR" logo or maybe a tagline of an old poster, but that's about it. I have like 20,000 fonts so I like picking and choosing those. I'm just goofing around really. I hand draw, I do photomanipulations, I do almost construction paper cutout type art in Photoshop.. I do all kinds of stuff. On some projects I veer away from using any pre-existing materials to compose, and for other projects I just comb the internet and do pastiches of things I find, and that becomes its own self sustained concept. To me anyways. It worked for Andy Warhol.

3. The number of images and projects you have on your site is staggering. How did you get into this?
I've been drawing my whole life and have loved old VHS covers, LP covers, posters, postcards and the like my entire life, too. It wasn't until the early 2000's that I started working for newspapers and magazines, doing everything from movie reviews to political art, short comic book stories and pinups for indie comics. I exclusively did hand drawn stuff until maybe 2007, when I first started tinkering with mashing photos and things together. I try and do all kinds of art I'm capable of equally now. Both fortunately and unfortunately I have had a little more time on my hands the past few years, I have leukemia and its made me sick enough to where I can't work a regular job job like I have for 20 years. No one knows how much time they have, so why not maximize that time doing thing you love as much as possible.

4. Do you collect film posters?
You'd think that I do, but I only have a couple posters, an original 27" x 40" of Tim Burton's "Batman", a "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" one and a reprint of Alex Ross' "Battle Of The Planets". My son has a killer 27" x 40" "the Spirit" drawn by Frank Miller. Our favorite comic book artist.

5. If you were asked by the Smithsonian to contribute one of your poster designs for a big show, which one would you choose? Why?
I'd say maybe my fake Mario Bava's "The Batman Of Gotham City" one. Its the one thing people have responded to the most and it looks like a genuine old poster, it even fooled Batman artist Jerry Bingham. He posted it and asked why he'd never heard of the film before. I thought that was cool.

6. What is your favorite possession?
My book collection. My trade paperback collection? Or my movie collection. I read a lot and watch a lot of movies. Actually right now it could be the Boba Fett bobblehead my boys got me for Christmas. Yeah probably that.

7. Can you talk specifically about the tools you use?
When hand drawing I use pencils, copy paper and thin point Sharpies. I have a tablet but rarely use it. I do all my coloring and photo based art in Photoshop cs3.

8. Which of your poster have been printed and where can we get our dirty mitts on them?
I briefly sold posters out of my home but a) I was legally advised not to and b) with my health issues I really couldn't keep up with demand. I have a CafePress t-shirt store. Generally I do commissions and send them to the client digitally for them to print up or use however they are going to use them.

9. What are you working on now?
I'm working on some e-book covers for author Nancy A. Collins. I work all the time with horror auteur Hart Fisher and do weekly commercial bumper art for the Saturday Fright Special syndicated TV show. I've done that for two and a half years and I love those guys. I'm also a regular contributor to the website Retroist. They let me submit whatever I want, which is great, and I have collaborations with authors like Daniel Th1rte3n. I did a teaser poster for Scorpio Film Releasing and their upcoming film "Murder University". I'll do the final one sheet when its time to. Similarly I composed a handful of teaser posters for horror director Dante Tomaselli's film "Torture Chamber". I have a massive secret project I've been working on for three weeks but I literally can't say anything about it. It comes out very soon though.

Thanks again to Hartter for answering my questions. Here are a few more of his fantastical pieces.

Daqian smashes Picasso.

Recognize this painting? I didn't. In fact I've misspelled the artists name every time I've written it.
The artis is Zhang Daqian and if prices paid for art are any indication of popularity, he is the Big Man On Campus. Move over Picasso.
The French research company Artprice has released the details regarding prices paid for art at auctions in 2011.
1. Zhang Daqian: $506.7 million
2. Qi Baishi: $445.1 million
3. Andy Warhol: $324.8 million
4. Pablo Picasso: $311.6 million
Wow. Some staggering results. In all, $11 billion was spent on art last year. Chinese dealers and collectors are buying a lot of Chinese art. Chinese art comprised 39% of the total market. The U.S. made up 25%. Artprice follows 450,000 artists.
Picasso had been number one on the list since 1997, except for 2007, Warhol took the top spot that year.
The painting above is Lotus and Mandarin Ducks by Zhang Daqian.
(via bloomberg.com)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Amazing mascaras.

Big Menace and I found these absolutely incredible mascaras in Mixcoatl Arts and Crafts in San Francisco. The owner told us that the masks were part of a series of twelve masks made by a local artist. The set was displayed in an art show and now three of the masks reside at Mixcoatl. They run from $450 to $600. Like an idiot, I forgot to ask the name of the artist. These masks made my day.

Daily poster: Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III.

Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III.
The third TCM film opened twenty-two years ago today, January 12, 1990.
The MPAA killed an already troubled film when TCMIII was released in theaters. The DVD has an "uncut" 86 minute version and an 87 minute "workprint" bootleg version exists, which has even more juicy gore.
Besides the Part 1 to Part 2 continuity, the whole series of films follow a surreal timeline. Like a campfire legend told over and over again, slightly changing over the years. You do not need to see any of the previous films to "get" Leatherface. Just pop it into your DVD player.
The trailer is hilarious. "The Saw is Family."


Fantastic documentary on creating art in the digital age.

I love Seth Godin's quote at the beginning: "It used to be, you didn't become an artist to become rich. You became an artist because you had an idea to share, you had an emotion to share, and that is where we are headed again."

From the creator's Vimeo description:

"The digital revolution of the last decade has unleashed creativity and talent in an unprecedented way, with unlimited opportunities.

But does democratized culture mean better art or is true talent instead drowned out? This is the question addressed by PressPausePlay, a documentary film containing interviews with some of the world's most influential creators of the digital era. presspauseplay.com @presspauseplay Facebook: on.fb.me/y4gEK1

If you like the film you can support us by rating it on IMDB - imdb.to/jUqhFn. Thanks!"

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Don't talk to police.

Amazingly useful lesson on keeping your mouth shut when talking with law enforcement.

I may have posted this before, but I just watched it and forgot some parts. You may have as well.

Daily poster: Wild Beasts.

Wild Beasts.
PCP gets slipped into the water supply of a zoo. The drug sends the animals down Apeshit Crazy Boulevard and they go on a bloody rampage.
Sounds too good to be true.

Poster courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Boba Fett Shogun Warrior rolling into town soon.

Yesterday, Super7 released this sneak peek for their upcoming Boba Fett Shogun Warrior (or Jumbo Machinder for you purists.)

In 2010, Super7 released this beautiful 24" Super Shogun Stormtrooper. He was limited to 1,200 pieces. He sold out pretty quickly due to to crossover appeal to both toy collectors and Star Wars fans. I remember being in Super7 and overhearing a toy fan beg with an employee to start a pre-order list. He was visibly shaking with the fear that he wouldn't get one, "Those Star Wars fans are really serious. Am I going to have to camp out to get one?"

My Mazinga was dusted off four months ago and now stands tall in my living room. I got him when I was four. My wife just took this picture and sent it to me.

via VinylPulse.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Daily poster: The Car.

The Car.
A horrible concept, somewhat redeemed by a serious and competent execution.
The Car is a fun, horror film. It won't really scare an adult, but, like Jaws, it plays on some kind of base, nightmare fear that a lot of people seem to share. The anthropomorphized, murderous vehicle.
The film came out in 1977, two years after Jaws, and basically follows the same rhythm, but slapping the shark on land.
Thanks to Vince, for turning me onto The Car. For some reason, I had never even heard of this film until a couple of months ago.
The trailer has a lot of spoilers.

Poster courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Dynamite Kid.

An excellent promo for what I'm assuming is the first "shoot" interview with the Dynamite Kid. Makes him look like some sort of human monster.
The Dynamite Kid's autobiography is in my top five wrestler biographies. An excellent, self deprecating, and insightful book. He's a bitter, honest, tough guy.
The Dynamite Kid is probably best known for being one half of the WWF 80's superstar tag-team, The British Bulldogs. The Dynamite Kid retired due to prolonged and recurring injuries he sustained to his back, in the ring. He is now in a wheel chair.
Before signing with the WWF in 1984, The Dynamite Kid wrestled a lot in Japan. His series of matches with Tiger Mask are legendary and revolutionary. Their matches would change wrestling in Japan, the U.S., and Mexico. To borrow a quote from wrestling journalist, Dave Meltzer, it was "a catalyst for elevation of the product, for sure."
Below, their feud lands on U.S. soil. On August 30,1982 in Madison Square Garden the two met in a preliminary match. They were only given eight and a half minutes. At the time, only big men were the superstars in the WWF, that was the culture. WWF fans bought into this.The light-heavyweight title was held by a Japanese wrestler and almost exclusively defended abroad. Fans just didn't care about the little guys.
Listen to the crowd as the ring announcer does his work before the match.Silence. No one cares.
Within two minutes the crowd is on their feet. There was no internet, the tape trading community was tiny, Japanese matches did not air on American television. This way of wrestling was somethine new, and it was something mind blowing. High flying and hard hitting. Watch The Dynamite Kid's knee drop from the second rope, unbelievably stiff. The ropes are extremely loose, they were not meant to be jumped off of. HA.
These two wrestlers have been imitated through the years. Finishing moves have been created from their basic move set. The Tiger Mask character started as a cartoon character but is still around as a wrester, I think they are on Tiger Mask VI.
I can't wait to hear The Dynamite Kid's stories.

Free HOPE stickers.

Sticker Robot and Obey Giant are offering this exclusive HOPE sticker for FREE.
Send a self addressed, stamped (.45 cents) envelope to:
Sticker Robot / Occupy
PO Box 1189
Woodacre, CA
94973 USA
and they will send you one of these fine stickers. The stickers are 4"x6"
There are a limited number of these stickers, so act fast. If they run out, they will send you some other sweet stickers.
More info HERE.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Daily poster: New Year's Evil.

New Year's Evil.
Hope everyone had a slashtastic New Year's eve.
I have to admit that I own this film and have yet to watch it. I will have to rectify the situation as soon as possible.
Poster courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.