Sunday, July 31, 2011

Daily poster: The Rider of the Skulls.

The Rider of the Skulls.
I watched this film last night, and holy mother of Millicent, this was a fun film. The Rider of the Skulls is a sort of Zorro, Batman, hybrid character, who travels through Mexico in the old west timey, righting wrongs and kicking monster booty.

The credit has the masked, The Rider of the Skulls riding through the Mexican countryside. He comes on a graveyard littered with human bones and rats. A werewolf howls. The rats scurry into human skulls. The werewolf murders a peasant. An old witch laughs. DAMN,  the film kicks off to a great start.

The film is broken into three stories. The first story has The Rider of the Skulls track down the murderous werewolf. It's not much of a mystery who the werewolf is, but he murders a small girl, a couple of other folks, and a young boy's mother before he is dispatched with extreme prejudice. The boy and a local drunk/coward/fat/bearded/chump become the Rider of the Skulls' traveling companions.

A vampire terrorizes a village. This is a nosferatu, ugly, vampire bat looking bloodsucker. The Rider of the Skulls and his team send the Vampire back to the grave. This is the weakest of the stories.

The last story has a woman carrying around the decapitated head in a wooden box. Her father was a scientist and he removed the head from a corpse in order to study it. I missed exacty why, but the head's body is pissed off and murdering people. Finally, the head and body are reunited. People are captured and tied. The zombie, re-attached head guy has a posse of two skull faced killers. Lightening and thunder erupt. The woman and The Rider of the Skulls are captured and tied up. All looks lost. But through cleverness, the Riders' boy friend, and kickassery, good triumphs in the end.

The film is great fun. The cinematography is pretty good. Mostly medium shots with some fine placed, but too sparce, close ups. The Rider of the Skulls is cool. His little boy follower is not annoying and is actually quite clever and useful. The drunk old loser is not that drunk and not too much of a loser. The three stories are short and quick and do not drag.
The film was directed by Alfredo Salazar and released in 1965. However, the film feels like a very ahead of it's time film from the 1940's.
The DVD does not have English subtitles or a dub. There is a bootlegged version with subtitles out there. FIND IT!
I just realized that I didn't take any screenshots of any of the protagonists. The monsters just look too cool in this one. These shots could all be album covers with a little manipulation. 

(Poster via dhoni101. I modified the top picture in Photoshop a bit. It has a cool, abstract, kind of Bela Lugosi's Dead/Cabinet of Caligari look to it, I think.)

50 Baddies.

I'm a little late to the Ball (sorry.) Robert Ball just sold out of his wondertastic 50 Baddies print two weeks ago.

He has started work on 50 Goodies:

"I originally started 50 Baddies for a local exhibition, thinking that a modular print would be perfect for me - having a full time job meant I could fit one in here and there when I got the chance. Logic not being my strong point I didn't really count on how long it would take to draw fifty of the buggers (months rather than weeks in the end!).

The last thing I wanted to do was more. 

But then, you know, I started thinking about goodies and making a little list and before you know it here I am again. I'm kicking off with Robocop, which takes me right back - one of my first jobs was drawing cutscene graphics for the computer game version of Robocop 3 when I was about 17. To this day I've never seen the film. I read the script and that was bad enough.

The Ipcress File also has a special place in my heart. Harry Palmer gets the girl by good cooking and sardonic one liners, giving hope to puny four-eyes like me the world over.

It's the same drill. 50 film goodies. 3 at a time. At the end I'll make 50 prints and there'll be 2 things in the shop.

As with the baddies, please feel free to suggest. Without a suggestion, Ma Fratelli would have never made it into the baddies last time, and she ended up being my favourite."

Thanks to my old buddy, old pal, Nik for turning me on to this.


Friday, July 29, 2011

Daily poster: A Force of One.

A Force of One.
I sure hate Chuck Norris. Cool poster, though.

Poster courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.

Diving faces.

The beauty and grace that is Olympic diving.
More faces can be laughed at HERE.

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1969.

Wired has a gallery, article, interview, and everything you wanted to know about the latest installment of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, 1969  HERE.
The comic just came out this week. I can't wait to get my grubby paws on it.

Monster Hero's new monster heroes.

Quick, run over and grab a new Monster Hero HERE.
They will sell out fast and were just listed. Stop screwing around!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Margaret Kilgallen on KQED.

KQED made this snazzy video about artist, Margaret Kilgallen.
I blogged about the Ratio 3 show here.

Charles Burns.

Monster Brains posted a fantastical collection of Charles Burns art HERE.

Black Hole is really Burns' masterpiece, but El Borbah is most definitely my favorite of his work.
He did a presentation and signing for his new book, X'ed Out, a while back in my home town. X'ed Out is a Tin Tin ripoff for an adult audience. Burns' super clean lines fit perfectly with Tin Tin and much of his presentation was a celebration of Tin Tin. Burns' has an extensive collection of foreign editions of Tin Tin.

I got my old copy of El Borbah signed. My daughters were with me, and I said to Charles Burns, "El Borbah is my favorite. We practice the Frog Punch at home."
Charles Burns said, "But do you practice the Dutch Rub?" He looked at my daughters with an. 'Oh shit, sorry, dude.' Look. Embarrassing and funny. "Uh, no. We stay away from that one." HA.


Stolen Space just released, KONG, by Mysterious Al. The five color print is an edition of twenty.
It is 65x65 cm and is signed and numbered.
It is a cool print, Kong's tears blow it out of the water for me.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Daily poster: Robo Vampire.

Robo Vampire.
Behold the awe inspiring, beauty that is director, Godfrey Ho.

McLuhan's rear view mirror.

I don't think anyone sits down and "gets" McLuhan their first time out. It takes a lot of rereading and reading about McLuhan to begin to understand some of his ideas.

Roger Ebert has posted a pretty good article about his relationship with the concepts of McLuhan, HERE

One that I find myself butting up against quite a bit is the concept of the rear view mirror. It is impossible to always see where technology and culture are headed. When I was co-hosting a podcast about new media, called Media Sound Off, I wanted the premise of the show to consist of longform interviews with people pushing the boundaries of media. The majority of the interviews ended up being rather dull and uninspiring. The people on the edge of media, pushing the boundaries don't really realize what they are doing,they certainly don't know how. They are just doing.

Oral history of Captain Marvel.

If Captain Marvel flips your wig, like he does mine, check out Newsarama's Oral History of Captain Marvel.
I bookmarked it when it was published and promptly forgot about it. I just found it, and, boy, what a great read.

Body shot.

I remember when Bernard Hopkin knocked out Oscar De La Hoya. I remember folks shouting that De La Hoya took a dive. But unless you've been punched in the liver, it's hard to realize how much pain that little area can create for you.

Grantland has an excellent, but short, article on the art of the body shot, HERE. The author explores the history of the bodyshot over the last 100 years and up to the July 23rd Amir Khan vs. Zab Judah fight. He also talks about the physiological reasons that the body shot can be so effective.

The knockout is right around 4:30. Well worth watching the whole video, though.


Thanks Old School GM for sharing this. Looks awesome blossom.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Daily poster: The Legacy.

The Legacy.
Hahahahhha, this poster is too good to be true. HA.

Poster courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Spatial awareness in The Shining.

Yes, we all know about Stanley Kubrick's attention to detail. Yes, there is the one helicoptor shadow mistake at the beginning of The Shining.

This video starts out feeling like an A-Ha, gotcha, nitpicky, annoying little pill expose, but there are so many insane doors and impossible spaces that something intentional must have been delivered by Mr. Kubrick. The video turns into a celebration of psychological maze that is the Overlook Hotel.


Celan over at Whitechapel turned me onto this video.

Johnny Quest opening in stop-motion.

Roger Evans and his assistant, Brandi McAlister are painstakingly recreating the opening to Johnny Quest. His work looks Questastic so far.
Click HERE for a visit.
According to his site, the team only has one shot left to animate.
Click on the different thumbnailed shots to see posts about each one. The Character Design post is especially cool. The site is a little crowded with information, but if you click on the photograph at the top of each post, you will land on a video of that shot. Super cool.

I also had no idea that this actor was the inspiration for Race Bannon. Blew my mind a little.

"Most JQ fans know that Race was based on Jeff Chandler (even if many aren't old enough to know who Jeff Chandler was), the white haired, testosterone god of machismo in many a B movie back in the 50s. He even had the prerequisite red shirt! So I decided to try and combine the different looks of Chandler and the multiple Races found throughout the original JQ series to form our "Generic Race" for the purpose of the title sequence."
I did not know who Jeff Chandler was. So cool to learn this.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rebecca Black without the auto-tune magic.

I know this isn't that funny, but I can't stop laughing.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fangoria Splatterbowl.

In 1984 Fangoria printed this five page comic pitting Jason vs. Michael Myers vs. Leatherface vs. The Thing. I guess it was sent in by a reader (or readers). It was a favorite in our household. My brother, our friends, and I made an audio recording of the story.

The Friday the 13 Blog just posted the full comic HERE. There is something so 80's about the artwork. The memories came flooding back. I know there was a follow up comic but I can't remember what it was about.

Hope Series kissy poos.

Red Propeller just released these two prints by Ben Allen HERE.
Hope Series 6 and Hope Series 7 are signed and limited to 50 copies each. They are 60cmx60cm and printed on 310 gsm cotton rag paper.

I wish to be hugged.

From tiny confessions.
"Here you'll find handcrafted prints from original paintings of dogs, cats, robots, creatures, you name it! Best of all, you'll be learning their secret thoughts and deepest admissions."

(Thanks for the link, Greg.)

Daily poster: Horror Hotel.

Horror Hotel.
Poster courtesy of Wrong Side of the Art.

Heck, here's the whole film.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lady Aiko, save our soul.

Lady Aiko's, Save Our Soul comes in three sweet colorways.
You can pay money for one HERE.
"Aiko and Andenken exclusive 3 color screenprint. Edition of 13, pencil signed and numbered. 40cm x 50cm (16" x 20" approx). On 225 gram bright white uncoated drawing paper."

Christopher Lee is Charlemagne.

Christopher Lee sings "symphonic metal."
Here is an excerpt

Also, Christopher Lee stabbed a nazi.

Daily poster: Better Off Dead.

Better Off Dead.

This is the Yugoslav poster. Pretty cool.
I had to slap myself for forgetting that this film existed. My wife and I watched it last night. It's a little slow, but that is to be expected. It's still an 80's classic.

Here's the American poster.

"I want my two dollars." Ever wonder what happened to the paperboy?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Chasing the tiger.

I really like Nicholas Stevenson's cartoonish and dreamy guache and collage work. I love this tiger creature series, The Tiger's Face. Like you can pet him but you will never know him.


Most of his site has commercial art he created for others as well as for his own musical albums.

I learned about him via Juxtapoz.