Saturday, August 23, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Guerrero Rojo

A couple times a year the family heads down to Mexicali. We always catch a lucha libre show or two when we go down. This is my favorite wrestler, Guerrero Rojo (Red Warrior), he is huge and scary. The photo is cropped with the circle because I made the photo into a wall clock at my Cafe Press shop. Check it out. To be honest, black hands on a dark photo aren't the best idea.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Stalking Fish

I took this at the annual San Juan Bautista antique/yard sale/thing a couple of years ago. It's the first Sunday in August every year. Go.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Kim Brown

Stolen. A shot on the set of The Big Crimewave. The best movie ever made. This is from a site that I can no longer find online. Let me know if it's still active.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Bought. Just unbelievable to me.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

GI Joe

This is an awesome picture. I wish there was a huge poster.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Last Page - 03

From a comic I did, entitled, '21 Last Pages.'

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rory Root

Damn, fuck, hell. Rory Root passed away earlier this week. He is an icon in the comics world. A lot of fans may not know who Rory is, but I bet every professional working in comics knows Rory. He owned Comic Relief in Berkeley. The greatest comic bookstore in the world.
I did not know Rory very well, but I did spend one very surreal night with him in his shop. My friend Sean was working on Rory's computer in the old shop and Rory and I talked and talked and talked. He sat on his stool and I sat on the floor and we were there until past 5:00 in the morning. He had just found out that he had sleep apnea and told me to get checked (I am also a fat man.) We talked health, comics, religion, food, diet, being fat, all sorts of stuff. I felt like I had known the guy my whole life. I cannot attest to who he was to other people and what kind of person he was. But to me, on the couple of times I met him, and that one night. He was serious, not super friendly. He listened and didn't just talk like so many people do. We talked about loneliness. One other thing. All the while we talked, Sean would chime in from the computer every once in a while. Whenever we mentioned a comic or graphic novel that Sean liked, Sean would comment. Rory would put his finger over his lips to me, "shhhhhhh." And slip a copy of that mentioned comic into a bag for Sean.
A sad week.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Last Page - 02

From a comic I did, entitled, '21 Last Pages.'

Friday, May 9, 2008

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. poster

I think I got this photo off of ebay.
After struggling through this movie five or six times, it has become one of my favorites.
Tarkovsky actually shot the film once before and the lab destroyed the footage. The STALKER we know and love is his second attempt.
My buddy, Matt turned me onto this movie and kept telling me how great it was as I struggled through my first watching. I now know that he was right all along.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Skagway Clements

I'm not sure where I got this picture. I believe Skagway Clements was a professional wrestler. I think I heard he faced Gorgeous George.
What is up with his eyes? It looks like they are two different colors.
I just love this picture.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Immortal is a wrestler from Mexicali. He is a rudo. He wears this mask, a puffy shirt, long trunks, boots, and thick gloves. My wife and I noticed some of the fingers of his gloves were bending extremely far back; some of the glove fingers were empty.
We later found out that Immortal is a burn victim. My wife's uncle met him out of character. He said most of the normally visible areas of his body are burned.
Immortal is our favorite luchador in Mexicali.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


From a photo on

Friday, April 18, 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Teenage Sorceress

This is a still from a sleaze, X-rated, horror, exploitation movie I made called Teenage Sorceress. This was actually shot while I was setting lights. The actors, John and Spider, were just standing like this and I shot some video. This was during the epic finale.

Monday, April 7, 2008

One Eyed Ronnie Boyles

Ronnie Boyles is a character in my favorite movie, The Big Crimewave, directed by John Paisz. Ronnie was the world's premiere celebrity impersonator, and he was from THE NORTH.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Masonna, 1994.

Masonna at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco on October 16, 1994.
Agent 73 was there and it was a short, but great set.